ChatGPT Prompt for Improving Text

Improve text by focusing on its purpose and audience. Use these key strategies:

Clarity & Conciseness

  • Avoid unnecessary words (e.g., “in order to” → “to”).
  • Use active voice instead of passive (e.g., “The team completed the project” vs. “The project was completed by the team”).
  • Be direct and specific.

Grammar & Syntax

  • Improve text with proper punctuation..
  • Ensure subject-verb agreement.
  • Check for common mistakes (e.g., “their” vs. “there” vs. “they’re”).

Engagement & Readability

  • Improve text with varied sentence structures.
  • Break long paragraphs into shorter ones.
  • Use bullet points or subheadings for organization.
improve text

Tone and style

  • Match the tone to the audience (formal, casual, persuasive, etc.).
  • Remove jargon unless the audience understands it.
  • Use strong, descriptive words.

Proofreading & Editing

  • Read aloud to catch awkward phrasing.
  • Get feedback from others.

Criteria for a Good Text

  1. Clarity – The message is clear and easy to understand. No unnecessary complexity or ambiguity.
  2. Conciseness – Every word serves a purpose. Sentences are brief but meaningful, avoiding redundancy.
  3. Correctness – Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are accurate, ensuring credibility and professionalism.
  4. Coherence – Ideas flow logically from one to another, making the text easy to follow.
  5. Engagement – The text captures the reader’s interest through strong word choices and a compelling tone.
  6. Relevance – Content is tailored to the audience’s needs, interests, and expectations.

ChatGPT Prompt for Improving Text

  • Smooth out transitions to make the text sound natural.
  • Fresh ideas the way they do in a normal conversation.
  • Make the text understandable and close to native speakers.
  • Use everyday expressions that people actually say.
  • Explain it so that the fifth grader understands, but without losing the meaning.
  • Remove unnecessary paperwork, make the text more lively.
  • Break the text into logical blocks, remove the chaos and make the text read in one breath.
  • Add imagery, emotion and an engaging tone.
  • Rewrite the text so that it really catches on.

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